I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. Jesus

9:15–10:00am St Mary’s Bures
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Learn together about Jesus with crafts, Lego, songs, coffee and snacks.

We're big on friendship

Our churches aren’t for people who have everything sorted, or have pristine lives. We would love you to come and spend time here with us and experience God’s love.

Plenty of joy for everyone…

Homegroups and courses

We meet in each others homes to discuss the Bible and encourage each other in our lives of faith. We run a variety of courses. Get in touch if you want to find a group for you.

Families with children

We love having children in our services and try to make it easy for them to be here and enjoy themselves. We also have plenty going on catering specifically for children and their families.


Everyone has a home in our churches and we’re here to serve our village communities. With so much going on, there’s bound to be something you want to join in with. Take a look at our calendar.

From the Magazine