Dear friends
I have seen my first bee orchids this year. I suppose that those of you who have lived in these parts for a while have seen them plenty of times, but this was a joyful first for me. These clever pretty little illusionists have been spotted in the churchyards in Assington and Bures and we even have one in the Vicarage garden (probably because I don’t use the lawnmower often enough!).
The bee orchid flower entices certain male bees by mimicking both the appearance and scent of a female bee. The bee, if it is hoping to find a mate, will surely be disappointed. Doubly so, since the bee orchid does not even produce nectar. The bee believes it will benefit. But only the orchid gains form the bee’s efforts, as it is tricked into being a pollinator.
Many of the pleasures we are wired to pursue are just like the bee orchid’s flower. We could consider the human quest after the promise of wealth or the longing for sensual satisfaction. Their illusionary beauty entices and they promise happiness, but always leave us feeling tricked and used.
Jesus is completely different though. For many, following him does not appear at all appealing. Yet Jesus never looks to benefit himself from those who come to him. He only gives. He gives perfect rest and life to the full.
I pray you know real joy this summertime (hoping the weather has turned warmer by the time this is published!).