I love the warm friendly welcome at St Mary's.
We’re a church family of all ages who want to savour God’s story in the Bible, shine in our villages by living Jesus’ way, and share God’s life-giving story with our friends.
All sorts of different people call St Mary’s their home and you’re sure to be welcomed. So do come and say hello!
In Bures in the next week...
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 26th March
9:15 am – 9:45 am
St Mary's Bures (Tower Room)Wednesday Morning Prayer
Wednesday 26th March
10:00 am – 10:30 am
St Mary's BuresA popular informal service with hymns, and a short talk based on a reading from the Bible. We sit down for the whole thing.
Open Door Cafe
Wednesday 26th March
10:30 am – 11:30 am
St Mary's BuresEveryone is welcome on Wednesday mornings for our Open Door Cafe. Come and and enjoy a drink, cakes and the best sausage rolls in Bures!
Mothers’ Union
Thursday 27th March
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
St Mary's BuresOver 60’s Friday Club
Friday 28th March
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Bures Community Centre (Garrad Room)With regular speakers, games, tea and plenty of good company.
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 30th March
10:30 am – 11:30 am
St Mary's BuresGive thanks for mothers and mother figures with joyful singing, readings, prayers and relevant Bible teaching. Followed by friendship over tea and coffee.
It's almost like prayer is in the walls...
Our church building is special too, next to the River Stour. Some of it is 800 years old! It is open daily 9am–6pm and everyone is welcome to pop in and look around. We try to keep our churchyard as a haven of natural beauty and life in the centre of Bures village.
My home group are always there for me
and help me live out my faith.
Many of us belong to a home group, where we study the Bible and pray together. We tend to have plenty of fun and food as well! If you are interested in joining a group then…