The Magazine

Minister’s Musings August 2024

Picture of Sylvia Gaspar

Sylvia Gaspar

Dear Friends

August; think of it and we think of holidays, even for teachers! Somewhere in our (older) memories are pictures of hay fields and sunshine, picnics and sandy beaches. A time of enjoyment.  Fast forward and there are also the long queues of cars getting to the holiday, the ruined BBQ, farmers struggling to get the harvest in.

There is more than these memories hidden in the name of the month. It was in honor of the first Roman Emperor Octavius Augustus because the word augustus meant majestic, great. In fact it became a given title for  all subsequent Emperors,  They ALL wanted to be honored as majestic and great. Look back a bit further and the word augustus was already linked with Roman deities and household gods. So the Emperors became not just majestic but god-like too. They who must be worshiped and obeyed!

All these august people have gone the way of all humans and we have to research their history.  The eternal God that many worship was there in the beginning of the world and has always longed to have a close relationship with the people of that world. Through his son, Jesus Christ, who became human for a while, God made an unbreakable bond between himself, the great and holy one, and the not-so-holy humanity, (that’s us).  Unlike the imposed Roman worship, our God invites us to worship and follow him.  We can say ‘no thanks’ to the invite but those who have said YES PLEASE know that this God is all powerful but also so forgiving and loving.  Don’t throw the invitation away, why not say ‘yes please’. Life will take on a brighter, sunnier light of divine love and Christ-mas could have a new meaning this year.

Enjoy your summer whatever it brings.

Love,     Sylvia