The Magazine

Minister’s Musings March 2024

Picture of Daniel (Vicar)

Daniel (Vicar)

Dear friends

By the time you read this, I expect the delight of spring will have started to come alive. I am writing on the last day of January, though, just having spotted snowdrops heralding the hope of the new life to come. I can’t wait! What causes those spring flowers we love to bloom? Apparently the process is all triggered by a single plant protein named CONSTANS. This protein “turns on” as the number of daylight hours increases.

There’s a famous vision in the Bible book by the prophet Ezekiel, set in a valley full of dry bones. At the time, all the dreams of God’s people seemed to be dead. Was it all lost forever? Or was life dormant as in winter, with hope of everything coming alive again? Ezekiel is given hope in the vision as the dry bones come alive. The bones come together, tendons and flesh appear on then, and then life is breathed into them.

But what is the trigger? What causes the dead to come alive? It all begins when God tells Ezekiel to ‘prophesy to these bones and say to them, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!”’ This comes up again and again in the Bible: God’s message—ultimately the good news of Jesus’ coming alive—brings new life where there was death. It triggers beauty to bloom where winter seemed like it would never end.

Perhaps you wonder what it would be like to come alive? Why not join us for Hope Explored, beginning on Tuesday 23 April?

I hope you have a joyful Easter!


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